
Emanuel Ax, Leonidas
Kav kos,
Yo-Yo Ma

An evening with Beethoven and Brahms
Grand Auditorium
Yo-Yo Ma, Leonidas Kavakos and Emanuel Ax in suit, sitting on a wooden banch
©: Nigel Parry

What you'll hear and see

The music

  • Johannes Brahms Klaviertrio N° 2
  • Ludwig van Beethoven Klaviertrio op. 97 «Erzherzog»

The artists

  • Leonidas Kavakos violin
  • Yo-Yo Ma cello
  • Emanuel Ax piano


«A pocket-sized version of symphonic Beethoven»,

read the headline of Crescendo Magazine on the release of the CD by the trio comprising violinist Leonidas Kavakos, cellist Yo-Yo Ma and pianist Emanuel Ax. And this is what awaits the audience at the Philharmonie where, in addition to the famous «Archduke Trio», the three performers, acting as a veritable orchestra, will be performing nothing less than an arrangement of the Bonn master’s Sixth Symphony.

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