
The Apprentice
Circ s

Externer Veranstaltungsraum
An illustration of an acrobat in a striped outfit on top of a polka-dotted sphere, holding a violin, surrounded by colorful ribbons swirling in the air against a red and white striped background
©: Tara Deacon

What you’ll hear and see

The artists

  • Rachel Leach composition, workshop leading
  • Tim Yealland conducting, text, workshop leading
  • Laurène Schuller workshop leading, piano

An instant opera project for school class with final performances

When the circus comes to town, the children sneak away from home in the middle of the night to visit the circle of wagons. They learn to juggle, walk a tightrope and fly on the trapeze through the ring of fire. Then they return home, but for one evening, they prove their courage in the big top.

01.–02.04. & 22.–23.04.2024
Workshops at school
09:00 180’ x 4

Final rehearsal at school and performances at school, times by agreement

Performance at school and general rehearsal at Philharmonie, times by agreement

Public performances as part of Familljefestival «Circus»





  • Date Tuesday 01.04.25
  • Time 09:00
  • Duration 180' no break
  • Language In English
  • Venue Externer Veranstaltungsraum
  • Recommended age C4.1–C4.2