What you’ll hear and see
The music
- Gabriel Koeppen Groove it pour trois violoncelles
- Cirque du Soleil Jeux d'enfants (Alegria)
The artists
- Ensemble de violoncelles du Conservatoire du Nord
- Carla Clement cello
- Benjamin Crnovrsanin cello
- Kyana Crnovrsanin cello
- Amicie De Cremiers cello
- Sienna Faber cello
- Rodrigo Ferreira Perdigao cello
- Eva Grosu cello
- Mara Grosu cello
- Sophie Halsdorf cello
- Sophie Koch cello
- Lisa Michels cello
- Anaïs Milmeister cello
- Gabriel Pereira cello
- Vittorio Santos cello
- Zaira Stober cello
- Zimra Stober cello
- Raju Vidali conducting