
12Ho rs

A marathon piece for voice and electronics
Espace Découverte
Part of the rainy days 2024 on -
Many things can be considered and regarded as extreme – and art has always been a playground and test tube for all kinds of exaggerations, a place to push boundaries. In the second edition of the festival, curated by the Luxembourg composer Catherine Kontz, a wide range of extremes will converge, forming new relationships. Modern classics from such composers as John Cage, Morton Feldman or even Erik Satie will stand alongside brand new works. How extreme will our experience be today to music that caused scandals decades ago? The full Luxembourg Philharmonic with soloists on the one hand, and the invisible interpreter in a new piano concerto without pianist by Liam Dougherty on the other, mark extremes just as much as do 17 electric guitars or a single harp. And the age and career spectrum of the participants also holds extremes with names such as those of the old masters of the Arditti Quartet stand next to the participants in the composition workshop for children.
Discover the full Programme

  • A tall tree with sparse leaves is seen from below, surrounded by a misty forest. The lighting is soft, giving the scene an ethereal feel.
    ©: Veronique Kolber
  • Black and white picture of Catherine Kontz looking at the ceiling
    ©: Veronique Kolber

What you’ll hear and see

The music

  • Catherine Kontz 12Hours (création) pour voix et électronique avec improvisations de Rosie Middleton

The artists

  • Rosie Middleton mezzo soprano, artistic collaboration
  • Catherine Kontz directing
  • Sofia Bagge directing
  • Emma Lambert sound
  • Kristina Hjelm light
  • Anna Cierpial costume design
  • Anita Gander costume manufacturing
  • Enzo da Sena (Associate Professor at University of Surrey) braudio spatializer – spatial sound design program
  • Zoran Cvetkovic (Professor at King’s College London) braudio spatializer – spatial sound design program
  • Huseyin Hacihabiboglu (Professor at METU) braudio spatializer – spatial sound design program
  • Kate Valentine Vocal Health and Injury Prevention support, Vocal Massage and Laryngeal Manual Therapy
  • Gillian Ramm Vocal Health Coach

An unbroken 12-hour work

which explores endurance as a concept in music and performance. Stay as long as you like.

In partnership with Catherine Kontz Productions a.s.b.l.
Supported by King’s College Cultural Quarters, Help Musicians UK, Arts Council England, Snape Maltings, Tête-à-Tête Opera Festival and PRS Foundation
Supported by Valentine Voice Care


  • Day ticket 18 €
Festival pass (4 days): 48 €
The ticket sale takes place through another website.


  • Date Thursday 21.11.24
  • Time 11:00
  • Duration 720' no break
  • Room Espace Découverte
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