
M rsalis:

A Louis Armstrong biopic
Grand Auditorium
Wynton Marsalis posing with his saxophone
©: Piper Ferguson

What you'll hear and see

The music

  • Film: Louis (2010)
  • Dan Pritzker réalisation, scénario
  • Derick Martini, Steven Martini, David Rothschild scénario
  • Louis Moreau Gottschalk, Wynton Marsalis, Scott Steiner musique

The artists

  • Wynton Marsalis trumpet
  • Cecile Licad piano
  • All-Star Jazz Ensemble

Coproduction Philharmonie et Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg


  • Cat. I 55 €
  • Cat. II 40 €
  • Cat. III 25 €
Kulturpass welcome


  • Date Monday 20.05.24
  • Time 19:30
  • Duration 105
  • Venue Grand Auditorium
  • Subscription Ciné-Concerts
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Experience the concert as a part of the subscription: Ciné-Concerts

Music and the silver screen are a match made in heaven. Here's why!

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