
Rossini | Petite messe solennelle

Luxembourg Philharmonic, Wiener Singakademie, Gustavo Gimeno, Eleonora Buratto, Sara Mingardo, Kenneth Tarver, Luca Pisaroni, Tobias Berndt

Rossini Petite messe solennelle CD Cover

In Rossini’s Petite Messe solenelle (1863-1867), sacred tones blend in seamlessly with allusions to his comic operas. «Is this sacred music which I have written or music of the devil?», the composer tellingly asked himself in a personal letter. Rossini’s enigmatic but highly enjoyable mass demonstrates his rich musical palette, ranging from «archaic» remnants of Bach, Haydn and Mozart to harmonic audacities that point towards the music of Fauré and even Poulenc. Despite this stylistic range, the Petite Messe solennelle sounds unmistakably Rossinian, and continues to enchant audiences to this day. Initially composed for a small ensemble of singers accompanied by two pianos and a harmonium, Rossini later orchestrated it himself. The piece is presented here in its orchestral version.

Luxembourg Philharmonic
Wiener Singakademie
Gustavo Gimeno
Eleonora Buratto
Sara Mingardo 
Kenneth Tarver 
Luca Pisaroni 
Tobias Berndt

Rossini: Petite messe solennelle

Petite Messe solennelle

We’ve got something similar coming up soon at the Philharmonie: