The atlântico
F stival

Luxembourg’s annual celebration of Portuguese-speaking musical traditions

From Brazil to Cape Verde, the Portugese-speaking world is an incredibly rich melting pot.

The music of these countries has always been an important part the Philharmonie’s programming, and the heart-warming autumn festival «atlântico» pays homage to this legacy. Over a full week of concerts and events catering to all age groups, we open our doors to numerous artists from across the Portugese-speaking world, and symbolically also to a significant portion of Luxembourg’s population.

  • Pictures projection during Amazônia concert, the orchestra playing on stage
  • Dino D'stantiago singing in the audience in the Grand Auditorium
  • Maro singing on the Salle de Musique de Chambre stage
  • Martina animating the workshop Your Musical Afterwork
  • a kids concert on stage, two actors dancing while musicians are playing
  • the Ciné Concert Os Faroleiros in the Grand Auditorium
  • Julio Resende concert in the Salle de Musique de Chambre
  • Kids playing drums during a workshop at the Philharmonie
  • João Bosco & Jaques Morelenbaum playing on the stage of the Salle de Musique de Chambre

Here’s a little glimpse of the atlântico magic…

Relive the unforgettable energy of this year’s atlântico festival! From heart-pounding rhythms to the soul-stirring performances, we are beyond grateful to every artist who brought the Lusophone spirit to life. Many thanks to everyone involved for making it happen! We’re already counting down the days to next year!


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A woman discovering the Foyer

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